Lindley Mease
Thousand Currents
Climate Leaders in Movement Action (CLIMA) Fund Coordinator
Lindley is dedicated to supporting grassroots leaders advancing just and regenerative solutions to climate change. She coordinates the CLIMA Fund, mobilizing funders in support of Indigenous, women, and youth-led climate justice movements globally. She is also the Co-Founder of Blue Heart, an organization that organizes millennial donors to give to frontline organizations in the U.S. In these roles she is working to advance accountable philanthropy, and to elevate the stories of scrappy organizations building real political power. Lindley also teaches at Stanford University’s Design School; is an experienced mediator; and organizes with LeftRoots, a national formation of social movement activists. Lindley has a M.S. in Earth System Science and a B.A. in Human Biology from Stanford University. Her roots run deep beneath the Cascades of Washington State and have spread to the Sierras and the Redwoods that surround her home of Oakland.