Mimi Turi
Robert Wood Johnson Foundation
Senior Director of Program Financial Management
Mimi Turi, senior director of Program Financial Management, brings more than 20 years of executive expertise as a finance professional in both non-profit and private industry. Having joined the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation in 2008, she oversees the program financial management department tasked with providing high quality and efficient financial support to program staff, grantees and contractors while promoting good stewardship of financial resources.
Previously, Mimi was an executive director of finance in the higher education division of the Educational Testing Service in Princeton, N.J. She also was controller in the research and development division of BASF Corporation and held several executive positions, including assistant vice president and comptroller for the global agricultural products research division, at American Cyanamid Company. Mimi served as a senior accountant at Peat, Marwick, Mitchell and Company early in her career. In 2000, she received the YWCA Princeton Tribute to Women in Industry Achievement Award. She holds an MBA from Pace University and is a CPA.