Sheryl Olitzky
Sisterhood of Salaam Shalom
Executive Director
Sheryl is cofounder of the Sisterhood of Salaam Shalom, emerging out of a local women’s group—which she also cofounded—designed to foster abiding relationships that are built on mutual trust, respect and friendship between local Muslim and Jewish women. The Sisterhood of Salaam Shalom is the first national grassroots organization of Muslim and Jewish women committed to living in harmony, developing meaningful relationships who work together to limit acts of anti-Muslim and anti-Jewish sentiment. Sheryl combined her strong leadership, relationship building and organizational skills with her passion to rid the world of hate in starting this organization. Sheryl has extensive training and vast experience in identifying unmet needs in the marketplace and in facilitating/moderating group discussion. Sheryl can be found teaching high school and university students around the world about interfaith relationship building, presenting to women about the power of interfaith dialogue and engagement, visiting the chapters of the Sisterhood located around the country, or leading building bridges trips to locations of significant interest to Muslims and Jews. She is a contributor to Huffington Post, Interfaith Observer, and The Forward.