Headshot of Tara Sandercock wearing a black shirt and a blue necklace and glasses.

Tara McKenzie Sandercock

Community Foundation of Greater Greensboro

Retired, Senior Vice-President, Grants & Community Partnerships

Tara McKenzie Sandercock served as Senior Vice-President, Grants & Community Partnerships, for the Community Foundation of Greater Greensboro.  From 1997-2021, she provided leadership for the Foundation’s grantmaking programs, funding collaboratives, and community initiatives. Her previous posts include Director of Education for the Council on Foundations and Director of Program Development for the National Center for Early Adolescence at the University of NC-Chapel Hill.  She holds her B.S. from Davis & Elkins College and her M.A. from UNC-CH.  Tara has served on national, state, and local boards including Hispanics in Philanthropy, Piedmont Triad Technology & Data Institute, NCCJ (North Carolina for Community and Justice), Hebron USA (supporting humanitarian work in Chiapas, Mexico), NC Center for Public Policy Research, Salem Presbytery, Say Yes to Education Guilford, UNCG Center for New North Carolinians, Guilford County Partnership for Children, Guilford Nonprofit Consortium, and Partners Ending Homelessness. Beginning in 2005, she co-led five Interfaith Study Missions to Israel. In 2020-2021, she co-chaired the Virus Relief Fund Task Force for Greensboro/Guilford. Tara is the recipient of the NC African Services Coalition Humanitarian Award, the State of NC Refugee Program Outstanding Community Service Award, and the 2021 Distinguished Service Award from the Council on Foundations. She is also an elder with Guilford Park Presbyterian Church. Tara is married to Steve Sandercock, Director of Greensboro Urban Ministry's Pathways Family Center.