Vaughn Bryant
Metropolitan Peace Initiatives
Executive Director
Vaughn Bryant is Executive Director of Metropolitan Peace Initiatives (MPI), a division of Metropolitan Family Services which works in partnership with community-based organizations to coordinate, support and sustain comprehensive service s designed to heal communities that have experienced the highest levels of gun violence. Core specialties include the Metropolitan Peace Academy, behavioral health, workforce readiness, legal aid and street outreach supervision.
Metropolitan Peace Initiatives emerged from and supports Communities Partnering 4 Peace (CP4P), an unprecedented partnership of leading outreach and restorative justice organizations that are reducing gun violence in Chicago with a comprehensive, evidence-based, trauma-informed approach. Convened by MPI and working with the public and private sectors, CP4P is a coordinated response to the public health crisis that is gun violence. Since CP4P’s launch in April 2016, CP4P has expanded to 13 organizations providing street outreach, case management, re-entry and victim assistance services in 28 communities.
A Leadership Greater Chicago fellow, Bryant is a board member for the Positive Coaching Alliance – Chicago. Bryant has a BA from Stanford University and holds an MS from Northwestern University.