How Funders Can Lead with Humility in Community-Centered Collaboration
What does it look like for funders to truly center the expertise and goals of community? The Houston Economic Growth Collaborative is a multi-sector initiative exploring the potential to invest more than $100M over 10 years in resident-defined priorities. Leaders will share early lessons on…
How Can Foundations Affect Family Economic Stability and System Change
How do funders build lasting change in our communities? The Community Foundation of Greater Chattanooga and The Pew Charitable Trusts share examples of recent partnerships in Tennessee and Minnesota on strategies and tools to address eviction and court-enforced debt collection. This session will…
Getting to 100% Mission Alignment
Join us for a thought-provoking conversation, designed for organizational leaders and foundation investment professionals, that challenges the conventional philanthropic dialogue on grantmaking. Rather than focusing solely on the 5% spending debate, we will discuss the often overlooked 95% of funds…
Lunch Plenary Session: Funding the Rural-Urban Connection
Rural and urban communities need each other. But while their interdependence plays out in their economies, cultures, and environments, prevailing narratives center on differences and divides. Meanwhile, rural communities account for close to 20 percent of the population, but they receive only 7…
Breakfast Plenary Session: From Rupture to Repair
The journey beyond toxic polarization and record levels of mistrust begins when we reknit the fabric of our civic lives: our places, our institutions, and, most importantly, our relationships. A critical first step is to take responsibility for harm and actively work to repair the ties that have…
Examining Your Foundation's Systems Through an Equity Lens
Hosted by Community Foundation Opportunity Network (CFON)
Join us for an opportunity to examine and gain a deeper understanding of the internal systems change needed for community foundations (and other grantmaking organizations) to authentically engage in external systems change and equity work.…
Moving from Surviving to Thriving Using the Vital Conditions for Health and Wellbeing Framework
Healthy Communities Delaware (HCD), a public private initiative of the Delaware Community Foundation, and ReThink Health, an initiative of the Rippel Foundation are partnering to catalyze and foster thriving communities. Learn how HCD leverages the Vital Conditions for Health and Wellbeing…
Engaging Communities Across Geography
How do community foundations engage people across expansive geographies to support local communities and yet achieve economies of scale to maximize the impact their work? This session will explore various models of community foundations attempting to do this work-- from the traditional affiliate…
Development Pecha Kucha: A Rapid Share of Ideas
In this session, development professionals will share a key idea through a short visual presentation meant to inspire (20 slides in six minutes). This session aims to change the traditional 'pedestrian' panel discussion and make it energetic and fast-paced, with a bit of networking and sharing…
Developing Community Co-Designed Strategy
A few years ago, U.S. Bank started working on place-based investment programs. To help build out the strategy of the programs, USB partnered with the community to create design sessions that were community-led and community-focused. U.S. Bank learned a lot through this process about how to center…
New Approaches to Disaster Recovery
On December 30, 2021, the Marshall Fire burned over 1,000 homes in Boulder County, CO. As Boulder County’s trusted philanthropic partner for over 30 years, The Community Foundation Boulder County (CFBC) quickly opened a disaster fund, raising over $43 million. CFBC’s trauma-informed, people-first…
Lunch Plenary Session: Partnering for Resilience and Justice
How are community and place-based funders partnering with communities to build resilience? With a commitment to righting past wrongs, responding to crises, and preparing for future challenges. Join us as we celebrate this year’s HUD Secretary’s Award for Public-Philanthropic…
Partnering with Youth Programs to Expand Impact
Solutions to challenges in our communities often require expertise and insight from many stakeholders, yet we struggle to engage with those who may be different from us, specifically intergenerationally. This session will describe a case study pairing youth with grantees to amplify voices and co-…
Philanthropy as a Force for the Frontline’s Mental and Physical Wellbeing
The goal of the philanthropic sector is to mobilize the funds that allow us to create change in the world. Layered underneath that sweeping vision are the staff and frontline fundraisers who dedicate their lives to this work. Whether they are in the trenches in conflict zones or regularly engaging…
Philanthropy, Journalism, and Bridging Divides
Last year, the Chronicle of Philanthropy launched a new project, called the Commons, that examines how the charitable sector can bring Americans together in a time of hyperpolarization. The Commons explores efforts to bridge divides through reporting, opinion, essays, resources, tools, and more. In…
Place-Based Foundations That are Stretching into New Arenas to Support Community Partners
The Minneapolis Foundation, Midwest Environmental Justice Network, NDN Collective, and RE-AMP Network lead one of the U.S. EPA’s Environmental Justice Thriving Communities Grantmaking programs. Over three years, they will distribute $40 million in grants to build the capacity of Tribes and…