Ethics & Accountability
Grantmaking foundations have a strong history of being created with honorable motives and operated with unquestionably high standards. Find questions and answers as well as sample policies to promote best practices and encourage the highest level of ethical governance for both public and private foundations.
Conflicts of Interest - Key Issues for Foundations
Legal Compliance Guidance
With Congress and the media focusing on corporate governance and foundation administration, now is the time to make sure that all grantmakers have a strong conflict of interest policy in place. Both private foundations and public charities (such as community foundations) should have clear…
Sample Conflict of Interest Policy
Legal Compliance Guidance
Editable conflict of interest policies for staff and board members.
This sample document is being provided for informational purposes and is not to be shared without the permission of the Council on Foundations. Use of the sample document does not create an attorney-client relationship, and the…
Public Disclosure Requirements for Foundations
Legal Compliance Guidance
Every organization exempt under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code is required to disclose certain information to the public:
The organization’s exemption application, Form 1023, is subject to public disclosure, along with any documents supporting the application and any letters from…
Lunch with Legal Counsel: Motivations for Corporate Giving – Proceed with Caution!
Suzanne Friday, Senior Legal Counsel and Vice President of Legal Affairs at the Council, discussed the goals and motivations driving corporate giving, with a particular focus on corporate foundations.
After a brief review of the applicable legal rules, they discuss how corporate foundations…
Governance and Compliance Issues for Foundation Financial Management
Legal Compliance Guidance
This white paper provides a review of critical governance issues that foundations must consider to remain in compliance with prevailing and emerging laws and regulations. Readers can expect content focused on trustee fiduciary responsibilities as relates to duties of care, loyalty, and…
Corporate Disclosure and the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002
Legal Compliance Guidance
What is the Sarbanes-Oxley Act?
The Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 was designed to rebuild public trust in the corporate community in the wake of the Enron scandal and other corporate and accounting scandals. Sarbanes-Oxley requires publicly traded companies to adhere to governance standards that…
Public Disclosure of Form 990-T for Private Foundations and Public Charities
Legal Compliance Guidance
Under the Pension Protection Act of 2006 (PPA), the rules for public disclosure of the Form 990-T by public charities and private foundations became identical to those for Form 990.
Which forms are affected?
Any Form 990-T filed after August 17, 2006.
What are the public disclosure requirements…
IRS Publication 1771: Charitable Contributions–Substantiation and Disclosure Requirements
External Resource
Explains the federal tax law for organizations such as charities and churches that receive tax-deductible charitable contributions, and for taxpayers who make contributions.
Sample Conflict of Interest Policies from Council Members
Sample Document
Sample conflict of interest policies from the Community Foundation of Switzerland County and Triangle Community Foundation.
Conflicts of Interest and Form 1023
Legal Compliance Guidance
Ordinarily, established private foundations and public charity grantmakers would ignore the IRS's revision of Form 1023, Application for Recognition of Exemption from Federal Income Tax. After all, these groups have already received their determination letters. But the revised Form 1023 and the…
Conflicts of Interest: Dealing with Foundation Investments
Legal Compliance Guidance
This article focuses on conflicts of interest around foundation investments. May foundation board members (or other closely affiliated individuals or businesses) manage foundation investments? May they be paid for this service? What factors should foundation managers consider before they select an…
Pros and Cons of Sharing Board Members With Grantees
Legal Compliance Guidance
What do you do when a grantee—or potential grantee—asks someone on your board or staff to sit on their board? Does such a request constitute a conflict of interest? Are there times when such a situation can actually benefit one or both of the organizations involved?
Let’s look at some of the pros…
IRS FAQs about Public Disclosure Requirements
External Resource
Tax-exempt organizations must make annual returns and exemption applications filed with the IRS available for public inspection and copying upon request. In addition, the IRS makes these documents available. These FAQs relate to the public disclosure and availability of documents filed by tax-…