
Maximizing Philanthropic Impact Through Associations

Nancy Henry

They say two heads are better than one … but how about hundreds of heads? All focused on exploring future possibilities and challenges with the goal to create new realities?

For The Patterson Foundation, intentionally connecting with others is essential to our work. What’s one way we accomplish this? Memberships with associations.

- Southeastern Council of Foundation (SECF)

- Grantmakers in Aging (GIA)

- Council on Foundations (COF)

- Florida Philanthropic Network (FPN)

- American Society on Aging

- Grantmakers for Effective Organizations (GEO)

These are just some of the influential associations that TPF is a member of.

By joining forward-thinking organizations such as these, numerous opportunities to engage, learn and share unfold. A great example would be the opportunities TPF had this year to present sessions at the COF and ASA conferences, which provided a national platform for us to share what we’re learning and promising practices:

COF Family Philanthropy Conference – Sam Stern of TPF’s communications consulting team, co-presented: “Tools of Engagement: Family Dynamics and Social Media”

COF 2012 Annual Conference – Debra Jacobs participated in the session: “Philanthropy and the Digital Public Dialogue: Challenges and New Opportunities” along with other thought leaders, which was live streamed during this discussion

ASA 2012 Annual Conference – TPF presented sessions: “Institute for the Ages: A Community That Values Its Demographics” and “Finance, Technology and Communications: Three Keys to Sustainability”

In addition to providing educational resources and the latest current trends and issues facing philanthropy today, the value-added benefits to membership also include:

Leadership – Increasing effective stewardship and accountability in the philanthropic sector through such programs as CEO and Investment Forums.

Networking – Building connective tissue, leveraging relationships and working collectively toward change with local government, community foundations and organizations.

Advocacy – Connecting at a federal and state legislative level through such forums as Foundations on the Hill, which educates government on philanthropy’s role and impact in society.

Bottom line? -New realities emerge when organizations engage in innovative collaboration with others. So be a part – an intentional, engaging part! – of a greater whole to further your mission and effect change.

We would enjoy hearing from you on how you engage and make the most of your membership with associations in your space.

Nancy Henry is a member of The Patterson Foundation’s staff. This blog originally appeared on The Patterson Perspective, a blog by The Patterson Foundation.  

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