2023 Grantmaker Salary and Benefits Report

The 2023 Grantmaker Salary and Benefits Report is updated with the most recent sector data. Information is presented by grantmaker type, foundation type, asset size, and geographic location. Additionally, 2023 report contents include:
- Salary data on 10,733 full-time staff from 957 grantmaking organizations
- Increase, bonus, and severance eligibility and activity data
- Staff counts for full and part-time staff by grantmaker type and asset size
- Gender, race/ethnicity, age, and disability counts
- Staff tenure, departure, and turnover rates
- CEO-specific compensation, benefits, and discretionary grantmaking practices
- Benefits practices and employer costs
You can also explore the report's Key Findings, and both members and nonmembers can download the Key Findings document for free.
Participants in the 2023 Grantmaker Salary and Benefits Survey can access Benchmark Central to run salary, benefit, and demographic comparisons by asset size, grants, geographic location, and grantmaker type.
Council members who did not participate in the 2023 Grantmaker Salary and Benefits Survey but would like access to the online benchmarking tool can email communications@cof.org to request access.
Non-members will receive access to the online benchmarking tool with their purchase of the full report.