
A Pre-Thanksgiving Feast: Legal Lunch Series with Legal Affairs #2

Council legal pilgrims Suzanne Friday and Bryan Del Rosario cordially invite you to an autumn harvest celebration: Part 2 of the 4 planned "Legal Lunch" webinars on Thursday, November 19 at 2 PM EST.

Date & Time

EST to




Free to Members only.



ThanksgivingQuarterly, the Council's Legal Affairs team gathers for a webinar concerning Federal tax laws, grantmaking compliance and legal updates. On Thursday, November 19, Attorneys Suzanne Friday and Bryan Del Rosario came around the table to present the 2nd of 4 "Legal Lunch" webinars for Council members. 

Topics covered included:

  • Donor Advised Funds:  Tips for Compliance
  • Update on Corporate Foundations and Corporate Giving Programs
  • Planned Giving and Your Organization
  • Differentiating between Self-Dealing and the Rules Regarding Excess Business Transactions
  • Economic Development and Charitable Purposes

We welcome your questions, too! Please e-mail them to legal@cof.org, with subject line "Legal Lunch," and we'll attempt to answer them during the call.

