Community Foundations
Community foundations are grantmaking public charities that are dedicated to improving the lives of people in a defined local geographic area. They bring together the financial resources of individuals, families, and businesses to support effective nonprofits in their communities. Community foundations vary widely in asset size, ranging from less than $100,000 to more than $1.7 billion.
Community foundations play a key role in identifying and solving community problems. In 2017, they gave an estimated $5.48 billion to a variety of nonprofit activities in fields that included the arts and education, health and human services, the environment, and disaster relief. The Community Foundations National Standards Board confirms operational excellence in six key areas—mission, structure, and governance; resource development; stewardship and accountability; grantmaking and community leadership; donor relations; and communications. Foundations that comply with these standards can display the official National Standards Seal. Currently, over 500 community foundations have earned the seal.
More than 900 community foundations operate in urban and rural areas in every state in the United States; currently, approximately 350 are members of the Council on Foundations. The community foundation model also has taken hold around the world. Community foundations have participated in the growth of international giving by U.S. foundations in recent years, with international giving by community foundations more than tripling, from $103 million in 2011 to $315 million in 2015, and community foundations' share of overall international giving by U.S. foundations more than doubling, from 1.4 percent in 2011 to 3.4 percent in 2015.
You can use our Community Foundation Locator to view a list of community foundations in the United States.
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Investing in Creative People to Build Healthier Local Economies and Communities
Supporting the economic security and growth of creative professionals can build their individual resilience. This can have a positive impact on family and community, and contribute to core local economic development goals. Learn from Springboard for the Arts’ experience in expanding economic…
Joining in Solidarity to Defend the Philanthropic Sector
In this moment of complexity, as foundations and their missions are under attack, CEOs are facing new and emerging challenges. Join this roundtable to connect with fellow leaders about how we can work together to build a stronger sector, and how we can show up purposefully for our partners in this…
Legal Matters for Community Foundations Training
Hosted by Council on Foundations
Led by the Council on Foundations Legal Team, this workshop is flexibly organized to ensure that your broad legal questions for administering funds, grants, and community foundation activities are addressed. The legal team will provide technical and practical…
Lessons From a Community Funder’s Journey to Advance Equitable Policy Change
Join us for an engaging workshop that takes you on a journey through a community foundation’s efforts to build community power and foster widespread public support for equitable policies and practices. In this interactive session, we’ll explore how Fairfield County's Community Foundation leverages…
How Place-Based Funders Can Shape State-Level Public Policy Through Consensus
This session will highlight place-based philanthropy’s role in shaping state-level public policy by convening diverse stakeholders for collaborative problem-solving. Panelists will discuss an innovative partnership between Lift a Life Novak Family Foundation, the Kentucky Chamber Foundation, and…
How Intergenerational Programs Can Advance Your Mission
While most foundations focus on defined issues or demographics, others find success maximizing impact with intergenerational solutions. Intended for all foundation professionals, this session shows how The Eisner Foundation, RRF Foundation for Aging, and the Michigan Health Endowment Fund have…
Inclusive Strategies for Community-Driven Philanthropy
In 2012 a network of community philanthropies in Washington State came together, committed to making philanthropy more equitable through community-led and driven solutions. Three cohort members will share how learning together fueled innovation in their approaches to fostering belonging across…
Insights from a Place-Based Minority Business Learning Cohort
This session highlights the power of partnerships through learning cohorts. Wells Fargo’s Open for Business Fund donated $100 million to support small business owners who were disproportionately affected by the pandemic in Atlanta, Charlotte, Houston, Los Angeles, and Miami. A national learning…
Increasing Trust Amid Decreasing Attention
Nonprofit leaders and funders alike say storytelling is simultaneously one of their greatest needs and greatest challenges. Attention is increasingly fragmented and audiences are fatigued by marketing campaigns and clever pitches. In this session, you will learn how increasing the dimensionality of…
Leveraging Narrative Power to Inspire Stronger Communities
Participants in this session will gain insight into their role in supporting place-based, community-driven stories. This session is relevant for communications and program staff, executive leaders, and board members. Because narrative work spans all sectors, both place-based and issue-based funders…
How Funders Can Lead with Humility in Community-Centered Collaboration
What does it look like for funders to truly center the expertise and goals of community? The Houston Economic Growth Collaborative is a multi-sector initiative exploring the potential to invest more than $100M over 10 years in resident-defined priorities. Leaders will share early lessons on…
Listening to Shift Power: Kellogg Foundation's Experience with Participatory Philanthropy in Hawai’i
Fund for Shared Insight, a national funder collaborative, invited funders to a participatory climate initiative in Hawai’i. The Kellogg Foundation, which funds in Hawai’i, and is committed to equity, was a core partner. The effort was designed to involve people most impacted by climate change in…
How Can Foundations Affect Family Economic Stability and System Change
How do funders build lasting change in our communities? The Community Foundation of Greater Chattanooga and The Pew Charitable Trusts share examples of recent partnerships in Tennessee and Minnesota on strategies and tools to address eviction and court-enforced debt collection. This session will…
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