Corporate Giving Programs and Foundations
Corporate Philanthropy refers to the investments and activities a company voluntarily undertakes to responsibly manage and account for its impact on society. It includes investments of money, donations of products, in-kind services and technical assistance, employee volunteerism, and other business transactions to advance a social cause, issue, or the work of a nonprofit organization. Corporate foundations and corporate giving programs traditionally play a major role in these areas.
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Washington Update: End-of-Year Hill Activity
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Get the Latest on the Charitable “Tax Extenders”
This quick 30-minute update covers end-of-year congressional activity that will impact your work. Hear the latest on the state of play from our seasoned Capitol Hill consultants, and learn how you can take…
Local Philanthropy and Universal Goals in Arkansas
How do the Sustainable Development Goals relate to domestic challenges in the U.S.?
There are significant challenges facing American communities today, including growing domestic inequality and increased poverty. In Arkansas, members of the philanthropic community work in a variety of innovative…
Local Philanthropy and Sustainable Development Goals in the Bay Area
How do the Sustainable Development Goals relate to domestic challenges in the U.S.?
There are significant challenges facing American communities today, including growing inequality, quality education, access to healthcare, and climate action. In the Bay Area, members of the philanthropic…
Take Action
Bookmark this page! We will update it with action alerts as opportunities to contact your congressional representation arise.
Learn about rules and guidelines for permissible lobbying and advocacy activities by foundations.
Leveraging the Resources of The National Resource Network
This webinar will provide an overview of the new National Resource Network (NRN) and explore how place-based foundations can bring these resources to Mayors and local governments. The NRN is a new partner consortium, funded by a $10 million grant from the Department of Housing and Urban Development…
Washington Snapshot - November 20, 2015
Washington Snapshot will be going dark next week in recognition of the Thanksgiving holiday. We wish our readers a happy and peaceful holiday with family and friends. Snapshot will return on Friday, December 4th.
Urge Congress to Make Charitable Tax Extenders Permanent
The IRA Charitable Rollover…
Effective and Emerging Approaches to Mission-Related Investing
Many foundation staff members remain mystified (and enamored) with mission investing and the promise it holds for leveraging foundation resources to support their missions. However, it is clear that many foundations do not fully understand the full complement of mission investing strategies and how…
Governance and Compliance Issues for Foundation Financial Management
Legal Compliance Guidance
This white paper provides a review of critical governance issues that foundations must consider to remain in compliance with prevailing and emerging laws and regulations. Readers can expect content focused on trustee fiduciary responsibilities as relates to duties of care, loyalty, and…
Diverse Managers: Philanthropy's Next Hurdle
This white paper outlines best practices with proven results that foundations can use to find and create a diverse and inclusive staff and investment advisory team. Readers will learn how to make the business case for more diverse and equitable strategies and link success in this area with…
Reflections from the Council on Foundations About the Passing of Rick Cohen
Sherry Magill PhD, Chair of the Board of Directors
I am deeply saddened to learn of the death of Rick Cohen. He and I first met in the mid 1990s when he served at national LISC and we were attempting to develop a local LISC chapter in northeast Florida. Over the years, we met annually at the…
Webinar Recording: The State of Play of Immigration Reform in Congress (and in the States!)
Download the Presentation Slides
Immigration reform is a hot topic on the national scene as the 2016 presidential election looms. While no consensus legislation has emerged on Capitol Hill to date, our guests discuss how funders can play a role in educating federal, State, and local…
Recent Terror Attacks – November 2015
Last Friday, a string of terror attacks took place across Paris, killing more than 130 people on a warm, lively Friday evening. The day before, a double suicide bomb attack killed more than 40 people and wounded 200 more in a market in South Beirut. These attacks happened the same week as a bomb at…
Washington Snapshot - November 13, 2015
Don't Miss Out on Community Foundation Week!
Yesterday marked the first day of Community Foundation week! CF week has been celebrated every November 12th-18th since 1989 to raise awareness of the critical role of community philanthropy in supporting thriving communities across the country.
Quarterly Member Update: 2015 Q4
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During this webinar, Council Leadership takes a look back at some highlights from 2015 and a look forward at what’s on the horizon for 2016. Discussion covers the multiple ways in which the Council has fostered community among philanthropic…
2016 Annual Conference Partner Opportunities
Partner Opportunities
Join us as a Partner at the 2016 Annual Conference
The philanthropic community will come together at the 2016 Annual Conference to address some of today's toughest challenges. The Council on Foundations' Annual Conference brings together global leaders from across…
A Pre-Thanksgiving Feast: Legal Lunch Series with Legal Affairs #2
Members, Access the Recording and Slides
Quarterly, the Council's Legal Affairs team gathers for a webinar concerning Federal tax laws, grantmaking compliance and legal updates. On Thursday, November 19, Attorneys Suzanne Friday and Bryan Del Rosario came around the table to present…
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