Family Foundations
The Council on Foundations defines a family foundation as one whose funds are derived from members of a single family, though this is not a legal term and has no precise definition. The Council on Foundations suggests that family foundations have at least one family member serving as an officer or board member of the foundation and, as the donor, that individual (or a relative) must play a significant role in governing and/or managing the foundation. Most family foundations are run by family members who serve as trustees or directors on a voluntary basis. In many cases, second- and third-generation descendants of the original donors manage the foundation.
Family foundations make up over half of all private (family, corporate, independent, and operating) foundations, or 40,456 out of approximately 73,764 foundations (Foundation Center, 2011). Family foundations make up approximately one-third of the Council’s membership.
Family foundations range in asset size from a few hundred thousand dollars to more than $1 billion. The holdings of family foundations total approximately $294 billion, or about 44 percent of all foundation holdings of $662 billion. Despite this, three out of five family foundations hold assets of less than $1 million. Family foundations gave away approximately $21.3 billion in grants in 2011 (The Foundation Center, 2011).
Below is everything on our site for family foundations. Due to the large number of resources on our website, we highly recommend you use the site navigation or the search feature to find what you are looking for.
Philanthropy's Response to 2020 Iowa Derecho
Communities across the Midwest and primarily in Iowa are reeling from a range of catastrophic events caused by a Derecho that hit the area on August 10, 2020. Devastating crops and farmland, and leaving thousands without power for weeks, many in Iowa are still reeling from the significant…
2020 HR Retreat - Speakers
Keynote Speakers
Trina C. Olson
Team Dynamics
Alfonso Wenker
Team Dynamics
Culture Speakers
Galen Maness
San Francisco Foundation
Maria Hannon
The Colorado Health Foundation
2020 HR Retreat - Sponsors
The Council would like to thank all of the sponsors for their support of the 2020 HR Retreat.
If you would like to learn more about becoming a sponsor, contact Tara Cox at
Silver Sponsor
Colorado Health Foundation
Bronze Sponsors
ABD Insurance &…
Washington Snapshot: No Movement, No Deal
With Congress adjourned for the summer, Snapshot will not be published again until September 18. We will issue breaking news as stimulus talks continue or consequential presidential actions occur.
The Coronavirus - THE MORE YOU KNOW
World Health Organization: Situation Dashboard
Balancing Purpose, Payout, and Permanence
"How much should we spend?" It's an essential question for all funders, and an especially complex one for endowed private foundations. The answer of "around 5%" was never universal as foundations sought creative means of ensuring that assets would serve mission rather than the other way…
Career Pathways Alumni | September Community Building Hour
The Council on Foundations’ Career Pathways program (CP) has strengthened and expanded the capacity of philanthropic professionals within the leadership pipeline who are considered, appointed, and retained in senior and executive philanthropic leadership positions. The Council is committed to…
Washington Snapshot: The Next COVID-19 Package
The Coronavirus - THE MORE YOU KNOW
World Health Organization: Situation Dashboard
How Philanthropy Can Respond:
Center for Disaster Philanthropy
Council on Foundations:
COVID-19 Resource Hub
List of COVID-19 Response Funds
Council's Comprehensive Coronavirus…
Washington Snapshot: A Stalled COVID-19 Package
The Coronavirus - THE MORE YOU KNOW
World Health Organization: Situation Dashboard
How Philanthropy Can Respond:
Center for Disaster Philanthropy
Council on Foundations:
COVID-19 Resource Hub
List of COVID-19 Response Funds
Council's Comprehensive Coronavirus…
Private Foundation CEO Roundtable: Preparing for the Coming Wave of Nonprofit Closures
Candid recently released a study estimating that 22,000 nonprofits will close their doors for good in the coming months. As we continue to weather ongoing crises, funders must determine how to respond as their nonprofit partners face the possibility of going out of business. This roundtable is for…
Policy Brief: Foundation Payout and the COVID-19 Crisis
Since COVID-19 began its devastating course, philanthropy has stepped up to provide new resources and increased flexibility to those organizations and communities most impacted. As of May 2020, the philanthropic response to COVID-19 in the United States totaled more than $6…
Policy Briefing: Upcoming Legislation Addressing COVID-19's Ongoing Impact
Members View the Recording
The health and economic impact of COVID-19 has continued to ripple through communities across the country and the world. Congress is discussing additional legislation to address some of the challenges faced by workers, businesses, nonprofits, and communities. Hear from…
2020 HR Retreat - Working Group
Working Group
Thomas Brewer
Director, Finance & Administration
Ralph M. Parsons Foundation
Keralee Clay
Vice President of Operations
Amarillo Area Foundation
Maria Hannon
Sr. Director of Human Resources
The Colorado Health Foundation
Carly Hare…
2020 HR Retreat - Schedule
Stay on the lookout for new information and updates to the Retreat schedule.
Wednesday, September 9
4:30-6:00 p.m.
Welcome & Retreat Opening
Igniting a Culture of Wellness from Within with Robyn E. Cross from ABD Insurance and Dr. Cherie C. Hill, Emory University School…
2020 HR Retreat - Registration
Enter the Retreat
Registration Rates
Member Rate before July 24, 2020 = $249
Member Rate after July 24, 2020 = $279
Non-member Rate = $349
Nonmember registration opens July 25, 2020
Registration Cancellation
All 2020 HR…
Give2Asia's Response to COVID-19
Give2Asia launched its Coronavirus Response Fund on January 23, 2020 with a focus on China, and has since expanded the effort to serve all 23 countries where Give2Asia works in the Asia Pacific region. We are working with in-country health and aid organizations that have national or sub-national…
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