Hear how the Barry Community Foundation created space to explore diversity and equity with their community. We’ll learn from their experience on how you can implement this strategy in your community.
With the goal of bringing forward diversity, equity and inclusion concepts to members of the community, three nonprofits in Barry County, Michigan came together to host Courageous Conversations for More Equitable Communities. Barry Community Foundation and their partners hosted three conversations in the series: what diversity, equity and inclusion is, mental health, and the return on investing in diversity in your community. You’ll hear the BCF organizers on how they created engaging spaces to address diversity in a homogenously white community. This webinar will offer encouragement and guidance on creating these spaces to engage people where they are.
Learn how to put together conversation topics that can be difficult for people in an educational and respectful environment. In this webinar, you’ll learn actionable steps for creating, funding, facilitating, and evaluating this program in your community.
This webinar is a continuation of our Leading Locally Conference programming. Explore and register for each session in the series: Leading Locally All Year Long