CF Insights Survey Results

Shared knowledge for community foundations


Differences in community foundation size are reflected in their different operating models and product focus.

Endowed and non-endowed assets

Smaller community foundations tend to have a much higher proportion of endowed assets than their larger counterparts.

Median percentages for the proportion of assets that are endowed and non-endowed may not add up to 100% due to rounding.

Product mix

Donor-advised funds tend to make up a more significant portion of assets in larger community foundations, which, while also having a higher proportion of non-endowed assets, could be reflective of their ability to provide flexible grantmaking options to their donors.

Averages were used to total 100%.

Size of Foundation Donor-advised funds Discretionary funds All other funds
$0-$25M 10% 25% 64%
$25-$50M 17% 18% 64%
$50-$100M 27% 21% 52%
$100-$250M 24% 18% 58%
$250-$500M 36% 15% 49%
$500M+ 35% 13% 52%
All 22% 19% 58%

Total donor-advised fund assets, gifts, and grants

Donor-advised fund flow rate

Distribution rates

As community foundation asset size as well as the proportion of those assets in non-endowed assets grows, so too do foundation-wide distribution rates. Additionally, donor-advised funds are seen as more active funding vehicles. It is important to specifically watch the growth of donor-advised and discretionary funds over time. DAFs are a widely-used donor vehicle and one of the fastest growing, while discretionary funds ultimately provide flexibility to a community foundation.

Sample size for DAF distribution rates are slightly smaller (n=238) than for the whole foundation (n=246).

Size of Foundation Donor-Advised Funds Whole Foundation
<$25M 4% 4%
$25M - $50M 7% 5%
$50M - $100M 11% 6%
$100M - $250M 11% 7%
$250M - $500M 13% 9%
>$500M 13% 8%

Inactive donor-advised funds policy

This data point was included in the CF Insights Annual Survey beginning in 2019.

How many years until a DAF is considered inactive?

This data point was included in the CF Insights Annual Survey beginning in 2019.

Steps taken to address inactive donor advised funds

This data point was included in the CF Insights Annual Survey beginning in 2019.

What's the idea behind the survey?

CF Insights responds to a hunger for shared knowledge among community foundations. Learn more about how this survey helps us do that.

About the survey


Connect with Council Staff

David Rosado

Senior Advisor, Community Philanthropy