Legal Compliance Guidance
Displaying 65 - 80 of 173 results
Providing Relief in Times of Disaster - Matching Gifts
Legal Compliance Guidance
Public foundations, community foundations and corporate giving programs may establish a matching gifts program that will match disaster relief gifts made by employees or other donors living in the U.S. or anywhere in the world, provided the grantees are public charities based in the U.S., and gifts…
Providing Relief in Times of Disaster - Direct Corporate Giving
Legal Compliance Guidance
Grants to Public Charities from a Corporate Giving Program
Businesses can make disaster relief grants directly from the corporation, or from its corporate giving program, to any section 501(c)(3)public charity. An added plus is that such gifts are eligible as charitable deductions for the…
International Corporate Giving
Legal Compliance Guidance, Fundamentals
This brief provides practical advice on setting strategy, ensuring on-the-ground presence, and selecting partners for U.S.-based companies with foundations and/or giving programs that are either venturing into the international giving arena or seeking to enhance their current programs. The last…
Supporting Employee Volunteerism
Legal Compliance Guidance
Question: May a private company foundation support the volunteer activities of the sponsoring corporation's employees?
Answer: Company foundations sometimes play a role in coordinating volunteer activities of the sponsoring corporation's employees. The IRS has approved company foundations'…
Reporting Direct Charitable Activities
Legal Compliance Guidance
Our company foundation sometimes carries out its own charitable programs. For example, last year we organized a conference on the topic of evaluating program impact for our grantees and other nonprofits in one of our communities. Where does this information get reported on our Form 990-…
Public Disclosure of Form 990-PF
Legal Compliance Guidance
Question: Our staff just received a request for a copy of our foundation's Form 990-PF. Are we required to provide this information?
Answer: Yes. A foundation’s tax return on Form 990-PF provides a wealth of information about the organization including asset size, board members, salary information…
Private Foundation Excise Tax Rates
Legal Compliance Guidance
The Pension Protection Act of 2006 (PPA) increased the excise tax rates for violations of many of the private foundation rules. In most cases, the first-tier taxes were doubled. These changes are effective for private foundations upon the foundation’s first tax year beginning after August 17, 2006…
Membership Dues and Self-Dealing
Legal Compliance Guidance
Question: Why do Council on Foundations membership materials and invoices state that if my foundation and corporate giving program share a membership, dues must be paid by the corporation? Is this true for other memberships as well?
Answer: IRS self-dealing rules prohibit private foundations (…
Mandatory Electronic Filing for Form 990 and 990-PF
Legal Compliance Guidance
Question: Are corporate foundations required to file electronically the 2006 Form 990 or Form 990-PF?
Answer: Whether or not a corporate foundation is required to file electronically depends on a number of factors. Generally, only foundations with a substantial number of employees or consultants…
Sharing Office Space
Legal Compliance Guidance
Can a company provide office space to the company foundation?
A parent company can always provide the company foundation with office space as long as it does so free of charge. While it is even possible for the parent company and the foundation to share the cost of office space…
How to Avoid Commingling
Legal Compliance Guidance
The same company representatives serve on our company foundation board of directors and our Corporate Contributions Committee. Can we hold the meetings for both programs simultaneously?
No. While it is possible to hold the meetings for the corporate giving program and company…
Honoring Grant Commitments amid Difficult Corporate Finances
Legal Compliance Guidance
In light of current economic conditions, the corporation has asked whether the company's private foundation may honor grant commitments already made by the corporate giving program. Can the private foundation make these grants?
Maybe. The facts and circumstances surrounding the…
Corporate Foundation Grants to Government
Legal Compliance Guidance
Question: May corporate grantmakers make grants to units of government such as public schools or local parks departments?
Answer: Yes, both corporate giving programs and corporate foundations may make grants to units of government as long as the grants are restricted to charitable purposes.
Corporate Foundations and Grants to Non-Charities
Legal Compliance Guidance
Question: May our corporate foundation or corporate giving program provide a grant to an organization that is not a charity?
Answer: Yes, but the process required to make a grant to a non-charity depends on the type of corporate giving vehicle used to make the grant. Private foundations must…
Grantmaking Options for Corporate Philanthropies
Legal Compliance Guidance
Question: We are trying to decide how to structure our grants programs between our direct-giving program and our corporate foundation. Are there any general guidelines to help us?
Answer: Many factors influence how to allocate grantmaking programs between a corporate giving program and a…
Funding a Dissolving Nonprofit
Legal Compliance Guidance
Question: Our foundation has been funding a local nonprofit for the last ten years. The nonprofit has one full-time employee and an annual operating budget of about $300,000. The nonprofit recently requested a $50,000 grant for operating expenditures or it will have to close down immediately. Even…
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