Advocacy and Lobbying
Foundations can be a powerful voice. Find resources and information about how Foundations can participate in shaping public policy as well as guidance regarding the legal rules and limitations that apply to public and private foundations engaged in lobbying and other advocacy activities.
April 2025 Congressional Recess Packet
Meeting with members of Congress and their team during district work periods are an important time to share more about your foundation’s work and how partnerships with local, charitable organizations to meet community needs. These resources will help you prepare for meetings during this year's…
Self-Defense Lobbying Rules for Public Charities
Legal Compliance Guidance
Community Foundations and other public charities may engage in an insubstantial amount of lobbying as part of normal operations. But what are the rules around engaging in self-defense?
Internal Revenue Code Section 4911(d)(2)(C) provides public charities with an exception to the…
Self-defense Lobbying Exception for Private Foundations
Legal Compliance Guidance
Internal Revenue Code § 4945(e) allows private foundations to appear or communicate with a legislative body concerning a decision of that body that might affect the existence of the foundation, its powers and duties, its tax-exempt status, or the deductibility of contributions to it.
Rules of Advocacy and Lobbying for Grantmakers
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It is easy to get hung up on what you think you cannot do when engaging with policymakers. The good news is, you can do more than you may think!
Though the law varies among different types of foundations, all foundation types can engage in…
Public Policy and Advocacy for Grantmakers
Government policy decisions impact communities and can drive or impede solutions to some of the most pressing issues facing the nation. Engagement in public policy advocacy is therefore crucial to the philanthropic sector's ability to achieve its greatest impact.
Public Policy and Advocacy for…
Voter Engagement Foundation Toolkits
The philanthropic sector has a unique opportunity to highlight the voices and concerns of the communities it serves. Nonprofit VOTE, Independent Sector, United Philanthropy Forum, and the Council on Foundations believe we should bring those voices to the forefront. By producing a toolkit to provide…
Advocacy Toolkit
Sometimes the hardest part of engaging in advocacy can be figuring out where to start.
Government is the mechanism for public policy process, and elected officials and their staff are driving and creating policies. As their constituents and important stakeholders in civil society, they need to…
Rules of Advocacy & Lobbying
Legal Compliance Guidance
It is easy to get hung up on what you think you cannot do in terms of engaging with your policymakers. The good news is, you can do more than you may think!
Though the law varies somewhat between what community and public foundations are allowed to do, versus what private foundations are allowed…
How to Find Your Members of Congress
Find your Representative(s)
Members of Congress are interested to learn about the work that you are doing in their communities. When identifying your representative(s), it is helpful to think—not only about the district in which your home office is located—but also the areas in which you fund. It…
A Guide to Advocacy, Lobbying & Election Related Activity: Navigating the Rules
Legal Compliance Guidance, Publication
A Chapter in Mastering Foundation Law:
The Council on Foundations Compendium of Legal Resources
The purpose of this chapter is to help you understand the federal tax laws and regulations that govern how, when, and to what extent different types of foundations can engage with policymakers, their…
Outreach and Engagement Opportunities
Proposals being considered in Congress often have implications for philanthropy and its effectiveness in addressing some of our most pressing challenges. In addition to educating lawmakers in Washington, D.C., communicating the impact locally is just as important. Here are some ways your…
Checklist for a Successful Meeting with Your Members of Congress
How to Make the Most of your meeting
Consider the following to ensure a productive meeting that runs smoothly.
Determine Your Message
Before your meeting, you will need to decide what your message will be. This is going to depend largely on the purpose and goal of your meeting, and can range…
Election Year Politics: What Foundations Need to Know
Legal Compliance Guidance
The election season, particularly in presidential election years, brings with it both opportunities and challenges for private foundations and public charities. Grantmakers can use this opportunity to increase civic involvement, provide nonpartisan information about candidates and educate…
Rules of Advocacy & Lobbying: Community & Public Foundations
Legal Compliance Guidance
The rules of advocacy and lobbying for community and public foundations differ somewhat from private foundations.
As a community or public foundation, the law allows the following:
Funding Lobbying
Yes, community and public foundations may engage in advocacy…
Rules of Advocacy & Lobbying: Private Foundations
Legal Compliance Guidance
The rules of advocacy and lobbying for private foundations differ somewhat from community and public foundations.
As a private foundation, the law allows the following:
Funding Lobbying
Yes, private foundations may engage in advocacy activities as described under…
Foundations for Civic Impact: Advocacy and Civic Engagement Toolkit for Private Foundations
This toolkit is designed for private foundations that want to support grantee involvement in civic and policy activities to increase organizational capacity and impact. While its primary focus is on the grantmaking activity of foundations, the toolkit also addresses rules and guidance for policy…