Nonmonetary Grants
Nonmonetary grants, often thought of as philanthropy moving beyond the traditional monetary grant, has become an important part of philanthropic grantmaking. The Council is available to offer support and guidance on the two primary forms of nonmonetary grants: capacity building and in-kind donations.
CECP's Giving in Numbers
External Resource
CECP’s Giving in Numbers is the unrivaled leader in benchmarking on corporate social investments. It is the premier industry survey and research, providing standard-setting criteria in a go-to guide that has defined the field and advanced the movement. CECP has the largest and most historical data…
Our Divided Nation: Is There a Role for Philanthropy in Renewing Democracy?
American democracy faces challenges that raise difficult questions for philanthropy. Have funders done everything possible to shore up democratic values and aspirations, or pursued their own ideas of the public good and turned a blind eye to these challenges? To what extent can philanthropy’s…
Webinar Recording: Fostering the Grassroots Leadership Capacity of Community
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Community Foundations around the country recognize that they must deploy capital beyond financial assets to improve their regions. At the same time, our community leadership has grown frustrated by the pace of change. Most of these leaders have come to understand that…
The State of Religious Diversity in America
External Resource
As the United States faces division over the increasing religious diversity in the nation, faith leaders and philanthropists came together in 2018 to discuss #ThisAmericanMoment. The event, This American Moment: Bridging Religious Divides, was co-hosted by the Council on Foundations, The…
Pluralism in Peril: Challenges To An American Ideal
External Resource
Addressing how our nation can maintain its historical commitment to embracing people of all faith backgrounds against a backdrop of polarization, Pluralism in Peril by the Inclusive America Project looks at tools and strategies available to defenders of this core American value.
Voter Engagement Foundation Toolkits
The philanthropic sector has a unique opportunity to highlight the voices and concerns of the communities it serves. Nonprofit VOTE, Independent Sector, United Philanthropy Forum, and the Council on Foundations believe we should bring those voices to the forefront. By producing a toolkit to provide…
More than Money: Making a Difference with Assistance Beyond the Grant
External Resource
From the Center for Effective Philanthropy, most of foundations’ efforts to contribute ‘beyond the money’ have little beneficial impact on grantees. More than Money: Making a Difference with Assistance Beyond the Grant reveals that only when foundation staff provide assistance beyond the grant in…
Working Better Together: Building Nonprofit Collaborative Capacity
External Resource
Collective action is an effective way for nonprofits to increase their impact, but they often lack the key capacities that enable these types of partnerships to thrive. This publication from Grantmakers for Effective Organizations (GEO) offers insights on the core capacities nonprofits need to…
Foundations for Civic Impact: Advocacy and Civic Engagement Toolkit for Private Foundations
This toolkit is designed for private foundations that want to support grantee involvement in civic and policy activities to increase organizational capacity and impact. While its primary focus is on the grantmaking activity of foundations, the toolkit also addresses rules and guidance for policy…
Foundations for Civic Impact: Advocacy and Civic Engagement Toolkit for Community Foundations
This toolkit is designed for community and public foundations that want to support grantee involvement in civic and policy activities to increase organizational capacity and impact. While its primary focus is on the grantmaking activity of these foundations, the toolkit also addresses rules and…