Search Resources
From Global Goals to Local Impact
Hacking the Sustainable Development Goals: Can US Cities Measure Up?
Sustainable Development Goals Event Toolkit
Achieving a Sustainable Urban America: SDSN’s first U.S. Cities SDG Index
Legal and Tax Compliance for Corporate Grantmakers: Self-Dealing & Conflicts of Interest
Economic Development as a Charitable Activity
Community Foundation Legal Webinar
Community Foundation Marketing Toolkits
Webinar Recording: National Trust for Historic Preservation: African American Cultural Heritage Fund
Webinar Recording: Transforming Community Foundation Scholarship Programs from Administrative Burdens to Strategic Assets
Expenditure Responsibility vs. Equivalency Determination: How to Choose
The Long Haul: Lessons From Charitable Responses to Previous Disasters
The State of Change: An Analysis of Women and People of Color in the Philanthropic Sector
Local Communities with Global Reach: International Giving by U.S. Community Foundations
Supporting Organizations
What to Expect from an Audit
About Council Resources
As a benefit of membership, the Council on Foundations attorneys and legal staff provide information and education to Council members regarding a variety of topics related to foundation operations and legal compliance. All information on this website, and all publications, articles, e-mail correspondence and telephone consultations provided by Council attorneys and legal staff are intended for informational purposes only and not as part of an attorney-client relationship. Council attorneys are not licensed in every state and cannot provide legal representation.
The information is not a substitute for expert legal, tax or other professional advice tailored to your specific circumstances, and may not be relied upon for the purposes of avoiding any penalties that may be imposed under the Internal Revenue Code. Council members may e-mail with inquiries and for more information.
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